Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Little Brother by Cory Doctorow Essay Example

Little Brother by Cory Doctorow Essay Fear is a well known human emotion. It is a feeling every person has dealt with at one time or another in their lives. It is an emotion one experiences first as a child and is conditioned to react to in many ways. Some people live in a state of constant fear while other just take things for what they are in life. Fear is defined by as â€Å"a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc.,whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid†. This is a rather grim definition. Fear is also defined as general anxiety. Life is full of choices and is often analogized as an intersection to multiple roads ahead. Fear has a way to set up obstacles in these roads which become either too big to overcome or the person persists in trying to sneak past. It can ultimately take over a life. In the book Little Brother by Cory Doctorow, it is shown how fear can take over a persons life as it changes their choices, spreads quickly a nd can turn into paranoia. A persons life is profoundly shaped by their fears and their efforts to run from them, which becomes their priority thus, affecting the decisions the make. An evidence to prove this in the book would be in this passage: â€Å"She didnt want me to just unlock her phone. She wantedme to submit to her. to put her in charge of me. To give up every secret, all my privacy. â€Å"the password†, I said again, and then I told her the password. God help me, I submitted to her will† (Doctorow 21). Marcus is in prison at this time in the book and he had gone through torture during his first interrogation when he refused to give up his password but here in his second interrogation, he gives up his password because he was afraid to experience the torture all over again. Another evidence to prove this is in this passage: â€Å"I’d burned a ParanoidXbox DVD when they first appeared, but I’d never gotten around to unpacking the xbox in my closet, f We will write a custom essay sample on Little Brother by Cory Doctorow specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Little Brother by Cory Doctorow specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Little Brother by Cory Doctorow specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

Sunday, November 24, 2019

impact of robtic program essays

impact of robtic program essays I saw the flier from Tech, and it was second week of school. I spotted out a robotic course at MIT. The program seemed tailored to my interest in math and science and to my competitive spirit. I couldnt resist the opportunity. When I asked some of my friends if they were willing to sign up for a course with me, most of them discouraged me by telling me it was too advanced for them or they did not have time for such a course. Finally one of my friends and I signed up. The first day was not the best day. My friend and I were the only two students from our school who had signed up for this course and other people in that class seemed to know much more about robotics than what we knew. We were all given identical kits containing Lego parts, a microscope, sensor, motors, batteries, and wire. Our task was to design a computer-controlled robot that would navigate around a game board. Before our project was initiated, we divided ourselves into groups and competed against each other. Sometimes we competed against other groups of students from other programs. My group faced many real world problems like the breaking of a wire at the last minute before a major the competition, or the robot refusing to follow the algorithm, which we had installed. I made my full share of mistakes, but by the end of the program, I had gained some real experience. Although our robot did not fare very well in the first couple of competitions, we came in second in our last competition. My learning process was underway, and I knew that I had found my place. Toward the end of the class my instructor asked me if I would like to come for the spring course as assistant instructor. The Experience I gained was worthwhile and an exhilarating affair while helping other in designing their Robots. I learned a lot from them while I was helping the spring group in designing their Robots. By then I knew I wanted robotics as my career. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Will early years education and social policy positively influence the Essay

Will early years education and social policy positively influence the childhoods of kids living in Britain today - Essay Example Basically, education is a right necessitating that this be available to all the constituents of a country. However, despite education being a constitutional right, there are many governments, most especially from the developing economies that have failed to protect this very important heritage for their nation’s children. Anker (2005) laments about the plight of these children who needs to work in order to survive. Indeed, most of these children have to shoulder the heavy household chores after getting off whatever work that they may have to earn some money. However, as an advanced economy, Britain must ensure that its policies and legislation do not fall into this trap. It is important that the state is able to defend this right. However, it must be noted that the state alone should not shoulder this responsibility but must be proactively shared with the parents. Moreover, it has been argued by Tickell (2011) that there must be an increased awareness of the importance of interaction with the children as well as the need to ensure that there is a better way to facilitate the understanding of such procedures. This can only be possible with the cooperation of the state and parents in the sense that the parents must know about their children’s development coupled with the capability of the governments to provide manpower and resources to cater to these developmental needs. Childhood Recognised As an advanced economy, British children have usually benefited from the government since they are usually valued more on the emotional rather than on the economic spectrum. This has been the traditional view of these countries that have historically been the richer nations. Hence, it is important that these countries are able to maintain their status and not be influenced by the practises that are prevalent in the developing nations (Zelizer, 1994). It is thus easy to see that childhood has been viewed by the different nations which, as mentioned, seem to have a clear demarcation line between developing and developed nations. These views have evolved throughout the years as civilization has progressed. As civilization progressed, there has likewise been an increasing crevasse between adulthood and childhood wherein they have been relegated to a social position that has to be protected and even punished (de Mause, 1976; Orme, 2001). Moreover, it has been stresse d by Cunningham (2006) and Gittins (1998) that the culture in Britain that takes a stand against child labour wherein they are against children starting their work early. Moreover, way back in the 16th century, they have had the practice of teaching children found begging of some useful artisan skills by getting them as apprentices. Indeed, there has been a historical inclination towards Puritanism that has put in a regime of strictness to children valuing education and regarding play as wasteful. This is probably where the belief of governments to view children as investments spawned from. Basically, children will be the ones that will lead the nation in the future and will be the ones that will continue the heritage of their forefathers. Hence, it has been deemed important that children be invested upon by the government wherein education plays crucially in order to foster a more globally capable citizenry (Hendrick, 2003; DfES, 2008). Furthermore, Hendrick (1997) recognises the v ariation of the discussions on childhood depending on the cultural development of the country. In most western nations, which include Britain, focuses on protecting and educating their children. Hence, it is very important that in Britain there are policies in place so that the children will be protected. It has then been a strong focus in these countries in order to foster the idyllic childhood for their children. Of course